Microsoft is already in the market with their new tablets' surface 'and Google ' Nexus 7' has announced. Now this is the Time for Apple to announce their new Tablet Technology Revolution the ipad mini.Technical analysts believe that, soon Apple will announce the most popular version of a small tablet computer ipad mini and is beautiful applications.Ipad mini will full op lots of apps apple said.
This year in October Apple may be announced this version of ipad mini.This news leaked by two Apple officials with the Bloomberg .The size of this version of ipad mini may be 7 to 8 inch.Note that, Apple has currently the smallest version of ipad in market which size is 9.7 inches.Ipad mini come to market in March this year will be on display in New ipad mini the retina.
Technology analysts Bloomberg said, mini-technology world of different versions of the rumor has ipad mini. However, tablets, Google and Microsoft announced after Apple announced a new version of the ipad mini. The project was created in June, Microsoft 'Surface' was shown here. June of last week, Google's new operating system 'jelly bin' on the Nexus 7 has shown. Shown to compete with the small size of the market 'ipad mini-markets and leave Apple.K3JAAU5GGZ8R
Apple Inc. 'component suppliers in Asia for mass production in September tablet computer screen smaller than the iPad, people familiar with the situation said the show is close to the beginning of the unit.Two people said that the tablet screen is likely to be less than 8 cm. The iPad screen measures 9.7 inches, the same first model was released in 2010.Officials sub-contractors, who declined named said this week that Apple ordered to prepare for the mass production of smaller tabletu.Wall Street Journal in February that Apple has tested such a device, but still decided to continue production.
One person said that the screen acts as decision-makers Apple LG Display Co. is one of South Korea and Taiwan-based AU Optronics Co.Apple spokeswoman declined to comment on in California.Analysts said that the small tablets could help the Cupertino, Calif., the company maintained its dominance in the market, with more and more crowded. The competitors are Samsung Electronics Co. and Inc., Microsoft and Google Inc. have recently been introduced in the tablet device.Last year, the iPad, owned 62% of the world market the tablets according to market research firm IHS iSuppli, which expects total tablet sales this year will rise 85 per cent of 126.6 million units.
As the market continues to expand consumer choice for the size, specifications and prices are even more varied. Last week, Google began to orders for Nexus device 7 tablets a seven-inch display, which sells $ 199. This price corresponds to the Amazon Kindle a fire, which came out last year and is also a seven-inch screen.Microsoft Surface number of tablets debut this fall, is a 10.6-inch screen, larger than the iPad. Microsoft Windows-director Steve Sinofsky said it is "fairly priced tablet."
Osawa sullen and Jung-Ah Lee contributed to this article.K3JAAU5GGZ8R
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